The Man in the Moon

Mon in že mone stond & strit,
    on is bot-forke is buržen he berež;
Hit is muche wonder žat he nadoun slyt,
    for doute leste he valle, he shoddrež ant sherež.
When že forst fresež, muche chele he byd;
    že žornes bež kene is hattren to-terež.
Nis no wyžt in že world žat wot wen he syt,
    ne, bote hit bue že hegge, whet wedes he werež.

Whider trowe žis mon ha že wey take?
    he haž set is o fot is ožer to-foren;
ffor non hižte žat he haž ne syž me hym ner shake,
     he is že sloweste mon žat euer wes yboren.
Wher he were o že feld žycchynde stake
    for hope, of ys žornes to dutten is doren,
He mot myd is twybyl ožer trous make,
    ožer al is dayes werk žer were yloren.

Ðis ilke mon vpon heh when-er he were,
    wher he were y že mone boren and yfed,
He lenež on is forke ase a grey frere.
    Ðis crokede caynard sore he is adred,
Hit is mony day go žat he was here.
    ichot of is ernde he naž nout ysped,
He haž hewe sumwher a buržen of brere;
    žare-fore sum hayward hap taken ys wed.

3ef žy wed ys ytake, bring hom že trous,
    sete forž žyn ožer fot, stryd ouer sty.
We shule preye že haywart hom to vr hous
    ant maken hym at heyse for že maystry,
Drynke to hym deorly of fol god bous,
    ant oure dame douse shal sitten hym by.
When žat he is dronke ase a dreynt mous
    ženne we schule borewe že wed ate bayly.

Ðis mon herež me nout žah ich to hym crye;
    ichot že cherl is def, že del hym to-drawe!
Ðah ich 3e3e vpon heh nulle nout hye
    že lostlase ladde con nout o lawe.
Hupe for že hubert, hosede pye!
    ichot žart a-marscled in-to že mawe.
Ðah me teone wiž hym žat myn teh mye,
    že cherld nul nout adoun er že day dawe.

Source: Brown

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